Booking Form

Booking Form

As soon as your booking has been confirmed, please print out and complete the following form.

You can view these forms in most browsers by selecting one of the links below. You can then save to your own computer.

To download directly from either of these links, right-click (PC) or Ctrl+Click (Mac) or Tab>Alt+Click (Keyboard) and choose "Save Link As"

Please print your form by email or post it to:

Mrs Gillie Farquhar-Thomson

Martins Cottages, Martins Lane, Birdham, Chichester, West Sussex PO20 7AU

Tel +44 (0) 1243 512222 +44 (0) 7802 360 042

Payment  can be made by;

Internet Bank Transfer
Sort Code  40-17-16
a/c number 81738127
IBAN  GB36HBUK40171681738127   BIC  HBUKGB4103S
ref your name

or by cheque, made payable to “Martins Cottages” and please send to:

Mrs Gillie Farquhar-Thomson   Martins Cottages  Martins Lane  Birdham  Chichester  West Sussex  PO20 7AU

Telephone  +44 (0) 1243 512222

+44 (0) 7802 360 042

Email •

*requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader available free from the Adobe Website
